Endpoint for managing Activities
API | Description |
PATCH api/activities/update-recurring/{id}?occurrenceDate={occurrenceDate} |
Update an occurrence of a recurring Activity. |
DELETE api/activities/clear-recurring/{id}?occurrenceDate={occurrenceDate} |
Delete an occurrence of a recurring Activity. |
DELETE api/activities/delete-recurring/{id}?occurrenceDate={occurrenceDate} |
Delete an occurrence of a recurring Activity. |
DELETE api/activities/clear/{id}?accessorId={accessorId} |
Clear an Activity. |
GET api/activities/priorities |
Get activity priorities |
GET api/Activities |
Get all activities matching an optional Filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc, IncludeClearedDates, IncludeDeletedDates, DetailFormat |
GET api/Activities/{id} |
Get activity instances of an Activity by ID. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeClearedDates, IncludeDeletedDates, DetailFormat |
POST api/Activities |
Create a new Activity |
PUT api/Activities/{id} |
Update an existing Activity. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full activity object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/Activities/{id} |
Update specific fields of an activity. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/Activities/{id}?deleteAllOccurrences={deleteAllOccurrences} |
Delete an existing activity |
Endpoint for managing Activity Types
API | Description |
GET api/activities/{id}/regarding |
Get regarding types for an Activity type by id |
GET api/activities/regarding?typeName={typeName} |
Get regarding types for an Activity type by name |
GET api/ActivityTypes?includeInactive={includeInactive} |
Get all activity types |
GET api/ActivityTypes/{id} |
Get an Activity type by Id |
PUT api/ActivityTypes/{id} |
Fully update an existing ActivityType |
PATCH api/ActivityTypes/{id} |
Update specific fields of an activity type. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
POST api/ActivityTypes |
Create a new ActivityType |
DELETE api/ActivityTypes/{id} |
Delete activity type by id |
Endpoint for managing attachments in the database.
API | Description |
GET api/Attachments/{id}?tableType={tableType} |
Get a list of attachments for the given table type. |
GET api/Attachments?fileName={fileName} |
Download an attachment from the database's "Attachments" folder |
DELETE api/Attachments/{id}?recordType={recordType} |
Delete attachment by id |
POST api/Attachments/{id}?recordType={recordType}&personal={personal} |
Create an attachment and link it to an entity. The request body must be in the "form-data" format. The file display name should be used as the key. |
Endpoint use to authentication. Does not require an authentication token in order to access.
API | Description |
GET api/Auth |
Authorize with the Web API to retrieve a database token. This database token will need to be included in all your web api calls in a header called "Token". Required Headers: Database, Username, Password |
Endpoint for managing Company records
API | Description |
GET api/Companies/{id} |
Get a Company by ID Supported Headers: SelectField |
GET api/Companies |
Get Company records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField |
POST api/Companies |
Create a new Company |
GET api/Companies/{id}?linkType={linkType} |
Get the list of linked entities for the Company record |
PUT api/Companies/{id} |
Updates an existing Company Record. |
PATCH api/Companies/{id} |
Update specific fields of a company. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
PUT api/Companies/{id}?contactId={contactId} |
Link a Contact to a Company |
DELETE api/Companies/{id} |
Delete company |
DELETE api/Companies/{id}?contactId={contactId} |
Delete the Company link from a Contact |
Endpoint for adding/editing/deleting Contacts
API | Description |
POST api/contacts/get-contacts |
Get Contact records by Ids Supported Headers: Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludePhoneDetail |
GET api/Contacts/{id} |
Get a Contacts by ID Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludePhoneDetail |
GET api/Contacts |
Get Contact records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludePhoneDetail |
GET api/Contacts/{id}?linkType={linkType} |
Get the list of linked entities for the Contact record |
PUT api/Contacts/{id} |
Updates an existing Contact Record. |
POST api/Contacts |
Create a new Contact |
PATCH api/Contacts/{id} |
Update specific fields of a Contact. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/Contacts/{id} |
Delete Contact |
Endpoint for managing custom table records.
API | Description |
GET api/CustomTables?customTableName={customTableName}&mainEntityType={mainEntityType}&entityId={entityId} |
Get the linked custom table sub entities for a Contact, Company, Group, or Opportunity. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField |
GET api/CustomTables?customTableName={customTableName} |
Get Custom table records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField |
GET api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName} |
Get a custom table record by ID Supported Headers: SelectField |
GET api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName}&subEntityType={subEntityType} |
Get the list of linked sub entities for the custom table record |
POST api/CustomTables?tableName={tableName} |
Creates a new Custom Table Record. |
PUT api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName} |
Fully updates an existing Custom Table Record. |
PATCH api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName} |
Update specific fields of a Custom table record. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName} |
Delete a custom table record |
Endpoint for managing custom table entities in the database. Use this endpoint to view, create, or delete custom tables in the database.
API | Description |
GET api/CustomTablesManager |
Gets all custom tables in the database |
GET api/CustomTablesManager?name={name} |
Gets a custom table by it's name |
API | Description |
POST api/database/maintenance/unlock |
Unlock the database |
POST api/database/maintenance/lock |
Lock the database |
GET api/database/currency |
Gets the database currency information |
API | Description |
GET api/Fields?tableName={tableName} |
Returns field display names in an array for the provided table |
POST api/Fields?tableName={tableName} |
Creates a new Field |
PUT api/Fields?tableName={tableName}&fieldAlias={fieldAlias} |
Edit an existing field |
DELETE api/Fields?fieldAlias={fieldAlias}&tableName={tableName} |
Delete an existing field |
GET api/Fields |
No documentation available. |
Endpoint for managing Groups in the database.
API | Description |
POST api/Groups/{id}/parent/{parentId} |
Sets the parent of a Group. |
GET api/Groups/{id}/criteria |
Get the dynamic criteria for a Group by ID. |
POST api/Groups/{id}/criteria |
Set the dynamic criteria for a Group by ID. |
GET api/Groups/{id}/count |
Get the Total number of Contacts belonging to a Group. Supported Headers: Filter |
GET api/Groups/{id}/contacts |
Get the Contacts belonging to a Group. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, Take, Skip |
PUT api/Groups/{id}/contacts |
Append one or more static Contacts to a group |
POST api/Groups/{id}/contacts |
Assign one or more static Contacts to a group. This endpoint replaces existing linked Contacts |
DELETE api/Groups/{id}/contacts |
Remove one or more static Contacts from a group. |
GET api/Groups/{id}/opportunities |
Get the Opportunities belonging to a Group |
PUT api/Groups/{id}/opportunities |
Append one or more static Opportunities to a group |
POST api/Groups/{id}/opportunities |
Assign one or more static Opportunities to a group. This endpoint replaces existing linked Opportunities. |
DELETE api/Groups/{id}/opportunities |
Remove one or more static Opportunities from a group. |
GET api/Groups/{id} |
Get a Group by ID. Supported Headers: SelectField |
GET api/Groups |
Get Group records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField |
PUT api/Groups/{id} |
Updates an existing Group Record. |
PATCH api/Groups/{id} |
Update specific fields of a Group. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
POST api/Groups |
Create a new Group Record. |
DELETE api/Groups/{id} |
Delete a group |
Endpoint for managing Histories in the database.
API | Description |
PUT api/histories/{id}/assign |
Assign a history record to one or more entities. |
GET api/Histories |
Get all Histories matching an optional Filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc, IncludeLink, DetailFormat |
GET api/Histories/{id} |
Get a History by ID. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat |
GET api/Histories/{id}?mainEntityType={mainEntityType} |
Get all Histories linked to a main entity record. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat |
PUT api/Histories/{id} |
Update an existing History. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full History object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/Histories/{id} |
Update specific fields of a History. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
POST api/Histories |
Create a new History |
DELETE api/Histories/{id} |
Delete a history |
Endpoint for managing History Types in the database.
API | Description |
GET api/HistoryTypes/{id} |
Get a history type by id. |
GET api/HistoryTypes |
Gets all history types. Filter, Sort, SortDesc |
Endpoint for managing Notes in the database.
API | Description |
PUT api/notes/{id}/assign |
Assign a note record to one or more entities. |
GET api/Notes/{id} |
Get Note by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat |
GET api/Notes |
Get all notes in the database. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, Take, Skip, SortDesc, IncludeLink, DetailFormat |
GET api/Notes/{id}?mainEntityType={mainEntityType} |
Get all Histories linked to a main entity record. Supported Headers: Filter, Take, Skip, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat |
PUT api/Notes/{id} |
Update an existing Note. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Note object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/Notes/{id} |
Update specific fields of a Note. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/Notes/{id} |
Delete a note |
POST api/Notes |
Create a new Note |
Endpoint for managing Opportunities in the database.
API | Description |
PATCH api/opportunities/{id}/contacts |
Append one or more Contacts to an Opportunity |
DELETE api/opportunities/{id}/contacts |
Remove one or more Contacts from an Opportunity. |
PATCH api/opportunities/{id}/companies |
Append one or more Company to an Opportunity |
DELETE api/opportunities/{id}/companies |
Remove one or more Companies from an Opportunity. |
GET api/Opportunities |
Get Opportunity records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludeLink |
GET api/Opportunities/{id} |
Get a Opportunity by ID Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink |
PUT api/Opportunities/{id} |
Updates an existing Opportunity Record. |
PATCH api/Opportunities/{id} |
Update specific fields of an Opportunity. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
POST api/Opportunities |
Create a new Opportunity Record. |
DELETE api/Opportunities/{id} |
Delete an Opportunity |
Endpoint for managing Products currently linked to Opportunities.
API | Description |
GET api/OpportunityProducts |
Get all products linked to Opportunities with an optional filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc |
GET api/OpportunityProducts/{id} |
Get Product by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField |
PUT api/OpportunityProducts/{id} |
Update an existing Product. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Process object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/OpportunityProducts/{id} |
Update specific fields of a Product. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/OpportunityProducts/{id} |
Delete a Product |
POST api/OpportunityProducts |
Create a new Product |
API | Description |
GET api/phones/countries |
Get all countries in the database. |
GET api/phones/value/{contactId}?phoneFieldName={phoneFieldName} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Phones?activeOnly={activeOnly} |
Get the phone masks in the database |
Endpoint for managing Picklists (dropdown menus) in the database.
API | Description |
PATCH api/picklists/{id}/additems |
Add one or more items to an existing picklist. |
GET api/Picklists |
Get all Picklists. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, IncludeItems |
GET api/Picklists?name={name} |
Get Picklist by name. Supported Headers: IncludeItems |
GET api/Picklists/{id} |
Get Picklist by id. Supported Headers: IncludeItems |
PUT api/Picklists/{id} |
Update an existing Picklist. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Picklist object (including items) to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/Picklists/{id} |
Update specific fields of a picklist. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/Picklists/{id} |
Delete a picklist by id |
Endpoint for managing Opportunity Processes in the database.
API | Description |
GET api/Processes |
Get Opportunity Processes from the database. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc |
GET api/Processes/{id} |
Get Process by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField |
PUT api/Processes/{id} |
Update an existing Process. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Process object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/Processes/{id} |
Update specific fields of a Process. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/Processes/{id} |
Delete a Process |
Endpoint for managing Products in the database.
API | Description |
GET api/Products |
Get all products matching an optional Filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc |
GET api/Products/{id} |
Get Product by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField |
PUT api/Products/{id} |
Update an existing Product. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Process object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/Products/{id} |
Update specific fields of a Product. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/Products/{id} |
Delete a Product |
POST api/Products |
Create a new Product |
Endpoint for managing Opportunity Stages in the database.
API | Description |
GET api/Stages |
Get all stages in the database. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc |
GET api/Stages/{id} |
Get Stage by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField |
PUT api/Stages/{id} |
Update an existing Stage. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Stage object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint |
PATCH api/Stages/{id} |
Update specific fields of a Stage. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body. |
DELETE api/Stages/{id} |
Delete a stage |
Endpoint for downloading supplemental files such as layouts, templates, and reports etc.
API | Description |
GET api/SupplementalFiles?supplementalType={supplementalType}&fileName={fileName} | |
POST api/SupplementalFiles?supplementalType={supplementalType} |
Create an attachment. The request body must be in the "form-data" format. The file display name should be used as the key |
Endpoint for retrieving informational data about the web api server. Does not require an authentication token in order to access.
API | Description |
GET api/System |
Show system data |
Endpoint for retrieving the tasklists in the database.
API | Description |
POST api/TaskList |
Retrieve tasklists for one or more users in the database |
Endpoint for managing Users of the Act! database.
API | Description |
PUT api/users/{id}/changepassword?password={password} |
Change a User's password. Password should be base64 encoded. |
GET api/users/roles |
Get the user roles of the database. |
GET api/users/roles?id={id} |
Get a role by Id |
GET api/Users |
Get all users in the database matching an optional filter. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField |
GET api/Users/{id} |
Get a User by id. Supported Headers: SelectField |
GET api/Users?contactName={contactName} |
Get a User by their Contact name. Supported Headers: SelectField |
DELETE api/Users/{id} |
Delete user by id. |
POST api/Users?password={password} |
Create new user. |