
Endpoint for managing Activities

PATCH api/activities/update-recurring/{id}?occurrenceDate={occurrenceDate}

Update an occurrence of a recurring Activity.

DELETE api/activities/clear-recurring/{id}?occurrenceDate={occurrenceDate}

Delete an occurrence of a recurring Activity.

DELETE api/activities/delete-recurring/{id}?occurrenceDate={occurrenceDate}

Delete an occurrence of a recurring Activity.

DELETE api/activities/clear/{id}?accessorId={accessorId}

Clear an Activity.

GET api/activities/priorities

Get activity priorities

GET api/Activities

Get all activities matching an optional Filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc, IncludeClearedDates, IncludeDeletedDates, DetailFormat

GET api/Activities/{id}

Get activity instances of an Activity by ID. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeClearedDates, IncludeDeletedDates, DetailFormat

POST api/Activities

Create a new Activity

PUT api/Activities/{id}

Update an existing Activity. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full activity object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/Activities/{id}

Update specific fields of an activity. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/Activities/{id}?deleteAllOccurrences={deleteAllOccurrences}

Delete an existing activity


Endpoint for managing Activity Types

GET api/activities/{id}/regarding

Get regarding types for an Activity type by id

GET api/activities/regarding?typeName={typeName}

Get regarding types for an Activity type by name

GET api/ActivityTypes?includeInactive={includeInactive}

Get all activity types

GET api/ActivityTypes/{id}

Get an Activity type by Id

PUT api/ActivityTypes/{id}

Fully update an existing ActivityType

PATCH api/ActivityTypes/{id}

Update specific fields of an activity type. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

POST api/ActivityTypes

Create a new ActivityType

DELETE api/ActivityTypes/{id}

Delete activity type by id


Endpoint for managing attachments in the database.

GET api/Attachments/{id}?tableType={tableType}

Get a list of attachments for the given table type.

GET api/Attachments?fileName={fileName}

Download an attachment from the database's "Attachments" folder

DELETE api/Attachments/{id}?recordType={recordType}

Delete attachment by id

POST api/Attachments/{id}?recordType={recordType}&personal={personal}

Create an attachment and link it to an entity. The request body must be in the "form-data" format. The file display name should be used as the key.


Endpoint use to authentication. Does not require an authentication token in order to access.

GET api/Auth

Authorize with the Web API to retrieve a database token. This database token will need to be included in all your web api calls in a header called "Token". Required Headers: Database, Username, Password


Endpoint for managing Company records

GET api/Companies/{id}

Get a Company by ID Supported Headers: SelectField

GET api/Companies

Get Company records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField

POST api/Companies

Create a new Company

GET api/Companies/{id}?linkType={linkType}

Get the list of linked entities for the Company record

PUT api/Companies/{id}

Updates an existing Company Record.

PATCH api/Companies/{id}

Update specific fields of a company. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

PUT api/Companies/{id}?contactId={contactId}

Link a Contact to a Company

DELETE api/Companies/{id}

Delete company

DELETE api/Companies/{id}?contactId={contactId}

Delete the Company link from a Contact


Endpoint for adding/editing/deleting Contacts

POST api/contacts/get-contacts

Get Contact records by Ids Supported Headers: Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludePhoneDetail

GET api/Contacts/{id}

Get a Contacts by ID Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludePhoneDetail

GET api/Contacts

Get Contact records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludePhoneDetail

GET api/Contacts/{id}?linkType={linkType}

Get the list of linked entities for the Contact record

PUT api/Contacts/{id}

Updates an existing Contact Record.

POST api/Contacts

Create a new Contact

PATCH api/Contacts/{id}

Update specific fields of a Contact. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/Contacts/{id}

Delete Contact


Endpoint for managing custom table records.

GET api/CustomTables?customTableName={customTableName}&mainEntityType={mainEntityType}&entityId={entityId}

Get the linked custom table sub entities for a Contact, Company, Group, or Opportunity. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField

GET api/CustomTables?customTableName={customTableName}

Get Custom table records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField

GET api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName}

Get a custom table record by ID Supported Headers: SelectField

GET api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName}&subEntityType={subEntityType}

Get the list of linked sub entities for the custom table record

POST api/CustomTables?tableName={tableName}

Creates a new Custom Table Record.

PUT api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName}

Fully updates an existing Custom Table Record.

PATCH api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName}

Update specific fields of a Custom table record. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/CustomTables/{id}?tableName={tableName}

Delete a custom table record


Endpoint for managing custom table entities in the database. Use this endpoint to view, create, or delete custom tables in the database.

GET api/CustomTablesManager

Gets all custom tables in the database

GET api/CustomTablesManager?name={name}

Gets a custom table by it's name


POST api/database/maintenance/unlock

Unlock the database

POST api/database/maintenance/lock

Lock the database

GET api/database/currency

Gets the database currency information


GET api/Fields?tableName={tableName}

Returns field display names in an array for the provided table

POST api/Fields?tableName={tableName}

Creates a new Field

PUT api/Fields?tableName={tableName}&fieldAlias={fieldAlias}

Edit an existing field

DELETE api/Fields?fieldAlias={fieldAlias}&tableName={tableName}

Delete an existing field

GET api/Fields

No documentation available.


Endpoint for managing Groups in the database.

POST api/Groups/{id}/parent/{parentId}

Sets the parent of a Group.

GET api/Groups/{id}/criteria

Get the dynamic criteria for a Group by ID.

POST api/Groups/{id}/criteria

Set the dynamic criteria for a Group by ID.

GET api/Groups/{id}/count

Get the Total number of Contacts belonging to a Group. Supported Headers: Filter

GET api/Groups/{id}/contacts

Get the Contacts belonging to a Group. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, Take, Skip

PUT api/Groups/{id}/contacts

Append one or more static Contacts to a group

POST api/Groups/{id}/contacts

Assign one or more static Contacts to a group. This endpoint replaces existing linked Contacts

DELETE api/Groups/{id}/contacts

Remove one or more static Contacts from a group.

GET api/Groups/{id}/opportunities

Get the Opportunities belonging to a Group

PUT api/Groups/{id}/opportunities

Append one or more static Opportunities to a group

POST api/Groups/{id}/opportunities

Assign one or more static Opportunities to a group. This endpoint replaces existing linked Opportunities.

DELETE api/Groups/{id}/opportunities

Remove one or more static Opportunities from a group.

GET api/Groups/{id}

Get a Group by ID. Supported Headers: SelectField

GET api/Groups

Get Group records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField

PUT api/Groups/{id}

Updates an existing Group Record.

PATCH api/Groups/{id}

Update specific fields of a Group. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

POST api/Groups

Create a new Group Record.

DELETE api/Groups/{id}

Delete a group


Endpoint for managing Histories in the database.

PUT api/histories/{id}/assign

Assign a history record to one or more entities.

GET api/Histories

Get all Histories matching an optional Filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc, IncludeLink, DetailFormat

GET api/Histories/{id}

Get a History by ID. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat

GET api/Histories/{id}?mainEntityType={mainEntityType}

Get all Histories linked to a main entity record. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat

PUT api/Histories/{id}

Update an existing History. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full History object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/Histories/{id}

Update specific fields of a History. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

POST api/Histories

Create a new History

DELETE api/Histories/{id}

Delete a history


Endpoint for managing History Types in the database.

GET api/HistoryTypes/{id}

Get a history type by id.

GET api/HistoryTypes

Gets all history types. Filter, Sort, SortDesc


Endpoint for managing Notes in the database.

PUT api/notes/{id}/assign

Assign a note record to one or more entities.

GET api/Notes/{id}

Get Note by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat

GET api/Notes

Get all notes in the database. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, Take, Skip, SortDesc, IncludeLink, DetailFormat

GET api/Notes/{id}?mainEntityType={mainEntityType}

Get all Histories linked to a main entity record. Supported Headers: Filter, Take, Skip, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludeLink, DetailFormat

PUT api/Notes/{id}

Update an existing Note. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Note object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/Notes/{id}

Update specific fields of a Note. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/Notes/{id}

Delete a note

POST api/Notes

Create a new Note


Endpoint for managing Opportunities in the database.

PATCH api/opportunities/{id}/contacts

Append one or more Contacts to an Opportunity

DELETE api/opportunities/{id}/contacts

Remove one or more Contacts from an Opportunity.

PATCH api/opportunities/{id}/companies

Append one or more Company to an Opportunity

DELETE api/opportunities/{id}/companies

Remove one or more Companies from an Opportunity.

GET api/Opportunities

Get Opportunity records. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField, IncludeLink

GET api/Opportunities/{id}

Get a Opportunity by ID Supported Headers: SelectField, IncludeLink

PUT api/Opportunities/{id}

Updates an existing Opportunity Record.

PATCH api/Opportunities/{id}

Update specific fields of an Opportunity. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

POST api/Opportunities

Create a new Opportunity Record.

DELETE api/Opportunities/{id}

Delete an Opportunity


Endpoint for managing Products currently linked to Opportunities.

GET api/OpportunityProducts

Get all products linked to Opportunities with an optional filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc

GET api/OpportunityProducts/{id}

Get Product by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField

PUT api/OpportunityProducts/{id}

Update an existing Product. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Process object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/OpportunityProducts/{id}

Update specific fields of a Product. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/OpportunityProducts/{id}

Delete a Product

POST api/OpportunityProducts

Create a new Product


GET api/phones/countries

Get all countries in the database.

GET api/phones/value/{contactId}?phoneFieldName={phoneFieldName}

No documentation available.

GET api/Phones?activeOnly={activeOnly}

Get the phone masks in the database


Endpoint for managing Picklists (dropdown menus) in the database.

PATCH api/picklists/{id}/additems

Add one or more items to an existing picklist.

GET api/Picklists

Get all Picklists. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, IncludeItems

GET api/Picklists?name={name}

Get Picklist by name. Supported Headers: IncludeItems

GET api/Picklists/{id}

Get Picklist by id. Supported Headers: IncludeItems

PUT api/Picklists/{id}

Update an existing Picklist. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Picklist object (including items) to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/Picklists/{id}

Update specific fields of a picklist. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/Picklists/{id}

Delete a picklist by id


Endpoint for managing Opportunity Processes in the database.

GET api/Processes

Get Opportunity Processes from the database. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc

GET api/Processes/{id}

Get Process by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField

PUT api/Processes/{id}

Update an existing Process. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Process object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/Processes/{id}

Update specific fields of a Process. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/Processes/{id}

Delete a Process


Endpoint for managing Products in the database.

GET api/Products

Get all products matching an optional Filter. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc

GET api/Products/{id}

Get Product by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField

PUT api/Products/{id}

Update an existing Product. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Process object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/Products/{id}

Update specific fields of a Product. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/Products/{id}

Delete a Product

POST api/Products

Create a new Product


Endpoint for managing Opportunity Stages in the database.

GET api/Stages

Get all stages in the database. Supported Headers: SelectField, Filter, Sort, SortDesc

GET api/Stages/{id}

Get Stage by Id. Supported Headers: SelectField

PUT api/Stages/{id}

Update an existing Stage. This is not a partial update therefore, please pass in the full Stage object to your request. For partial updates, use the PATCH endpoint

PATCH api/Stages/{id}

Update specific fields of a Stage. Pass in the list of fields and their corresponding values in a serialized dictionary object of the request body.

DELETE api/Stages/{id}

Delete a stage


Endpoint for downloading supplemental files such as layouts, templates, and reports etc.

GET api/SupplementalFiles?supplementalType={supplementalType}&fileName={fileName}

POST api/SupplementalFiles?supplementalType={supplementalType}

Create an attachment. The request body must be in the "form-data" format. The file display name should be used as the key


Endpoint for retrieving informational data about the web api server. Does not require an authentication token in order to access.

GET api/System

Show system data


Endpoint for retrieving the tasklists in the database.

POST api/TaskList

Retrieve tasklists for one or more users in the database


Endpoint for managing Users of the Act! database.

PUT api/users/{id}/changepassword?password={password}

Change a User's password. Password should be base64 encoded.

GET api/users/roles

Get the user roles of the database.

GET api/users/roles?id={id}

Get a role by Id

GET api/Users

Get all users in the database matching an optional filter. Supported Headers: Filter, Sort, SortDesc, SelectField

GET api/Users/{id}

Get a User by id. Supported Headers: SelectField

GET api/Users?contactName={contactName}

Get a User by their Contact name. Supported Headers: SelectField

DELETE api/Users/{id}

Delete user by id.

POST api/Users?password={password}

Create new user.